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Cornus florida Rubra (Pink Flowering Dogwood seed) Sheffield`s Seed Co., Inc.
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Cornus florida


Pink Flowering Dogwood

This seed is hard to get. If you know of isolated pink blooming trees and can collect seed for us please email purchasing@sheffields.com. Thanks!

In Stock: 4.225 lb (Total:4.225lb)
Expect 50% of the seeds to grow as 'rubra'.
  • Cornus florida 'Rubra'

    All items have bulk rates priced in
select i.*, substring_index(group_concat(distinct pa.country order by rsi.date_added desc),',',-1) as source_country from inventory_item_manage i left outer join sheffields_2017.receiving_shipments_item_has_inventory_item hrsi on i.id = hrsi.inventory_item_id left outer join sheffields_2017.receiving_shipments_item rsi on rsi.id = hrsi.receiving_shipments_item_id left outer join sheffields_2017.po on rsi.po_id = po.id left outer join sheffields_2017.po_address pa on pa.po_id = po.id where i.inventory_id = '496' group by i.id

Buying options

4.23 lb
Expect 50% of the seeds to grow as 'rubra'.


Germination test:
Cut (Full Seed)
Seeds per lb:
4.23 lb
Collected in:
Crop year:
Min. hardiness zone:
Item ID:

Growing Info

Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours
Stratification: cold stratify for 120 days
Germination: sow seed 3/8" deep, tamp the soil, mulch the seed bed

Other: fall sowing in mulched beds is prefered to artificial stratification 

Embrace the allure of four-season charm with Cornus florida 'Rubra', Pink Flowering Dogwood, renowned for its breathtaking beauty and graceful presence in any landscape. This petite deciduous tree boasts a striking, broadly conical canopy, reaching heights and widths of 15-30 ft. Each spring, it bursts into a stunning display of starry blooms, 3-4 inches across, crafted by four delicate pink to reddish pink bracts encircling tiny green flowers. As the seasons transition, these blossoms yield luscious orange-red fruits, a tempting treat for the local birdlife.

Throughout summer, the tree's layered branches provide a charming green canopy, which transforms into a vibrant spectacle of maroon and scarlet foliage come fall. Winter unveils an intriguing bark texture reminiscent of alligator skin, offering a distinctive touch to the season's panorama. Ideally cultivated in part shade and moist, well-drained soils, this deer-resistant variety also tolerates full sun. It thrives as a specimen near patios, in shrub borders, woodland gardens, or naturalized settings, adding elegance to any locale. With a blend of lush greenery and arresting color, the Pink Flowering Dogwood is truly a majestic addition to your garden.

Expect 50% of the seeds to grow true to the parent type!

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