Lawson's Cypress, also known as Port Orford Cedar, is a majestic evergreen tree that hails from Oregon and California. It can grow up to 175 ft tall in the wild and typically 40-60 ft in cultivation, with a diameter of up to 4 ft, and showcases lovely blue-green foliage. This species of conifer is highly prized in East Asia for its wood, which is both lightweight and strong, as well as having a lovely aroma. Unlike many conifers, Lawson's Cypress can be clipped and grown as a tall hedge. The tree has a fascinating history, having been introduced into cultivation in 1854, by collectors working for the Lawson & Son nursery in Edinburgh, Scotland, after whom it was named as Lawson Cypress by the describing botanist Andrew Murray. Unfortunately, this species is also threatened by the introduced oomycete pathogen, Phytophthora lateralis, but measures are being taken to counter this. If you're looking for a grand and impressive tree to add to your garden, look no further than Lawson's Cypress.