Centaurea montana, also known as Mountain Blue or Mountain Bluet, is a stunning perennial plant that is native to Europe. This species belongs to the Centaurea family and is commonly found in the more southerly mountain ranges of Europe. It is a popular garden plant due to its beautiful blue-purple flowers that bloom from May to August. This easy-to-grow plant can also be used as a ground cover in sunny positions. Although not commonly used in herbal medicine, Centaurea montana has a reputation in parts of Europe as a wash for tired eyes. With proper care, this plant can thrive in moist soil and partial shade, and can be propagated through division in autumn. Its noteworthy characteristics include blue, spidery flowers and self-seeding ability. In addition, it may need staking and can be susceptible to several diseases, including white mold and rust. Overall, Centaurea montana is a striking addition to any garden or landscape.