The Lebanon Cedar, also known as Cedrus libani, is a magnificent evergreen coniferous tree that grows up to 40m tall and has a trunk up to 2.5m in diameter. It has a conic crown when young, which becomes broadly tabular with fairly level branches as it ages. Its dark green needles and horizontal branching habit make it a stately and grand addition to any landscape. This tree is the national emblem of Lebanon and is prominently displayed on the Lebanese flag and coat of arms. Due to deforestation, few old trees remain in Lebanon, but there is now an active program to conserve and regenerate the forests. The Lebanon Cedar is widely planted as an ornamental tree in parks and large gardens, often being planted in landscape avenues, and as focal point trees in large landscapes. Its antiseptic and expectorant properties make both the leaves and wood highly valued. Its wood is durable and immune to insect ravages and is used for furniture, construction and handicrafts. The Cedar of Lebanon is a symbol of pride and righteousness in many cultures. Experience the majesty of this tree in your own landscape by planting a Lebanon Cedar today.