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Caryota mitis

Burmese Fishtail Palm

In Stock: 1.969 lb (Total:1.969lb)
  • Caryota mitis

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Buying options

1.97 lb


Germination test:
Cut (Full Seed)
Seeds per lb:
1.97 lb
Collected in:
Crop year:
Min. hardiness zone:
Item ID:

Growing Info

Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours
Stratification: none required
Germination: sow seed 1" deep, keep moist, mulch the seed bed

Other: Seeds sprout typically between 1-3 months.|Seed needs warm temperatures after sowing to germinate (75 degrees F +). 

Caryota mitis, commonly known as Burmese Fishtail Palm, is a tropical, clumping palm that is perfect for lush gardens or large indoor spaces. It prefers moist, rich and well-drained soils, partly shaded to full sun conditions. Standing tall at 15-25 feet with 4-6 inch slender grey-brown trunks, it showcases spectacular bipinnately compound leaves that span 4-9 feet, exhibiting a unique jagged edge and fishtail silhouette. Avoid storm damage by placing this specimen in sheltered locations. Besides its beauty, the palm furnishes useful shaggy fibers from the petioles and leaf sheaths for fire starters, thatch, rope, brushes, and coarse thread. However, the fruit-bearing plant needs handling with care. It produces round fruits clustered with needle-shaped calcium oxalate crystals which can cause severe skin irritation. Hence use gloves for handling and keep out of the reach of children and pets. Moreover, this robust palm is a continuous bearer of new growth from the base, making it an everlasting beauty in your garden or indoor space. Suitable for use as a statement palm, it also acts as a natural screen or hedge due to dense clustering of stems. Gentler climes can enjoy it as a houseplant in a container with rich soil, medium light, and low to medium humidity conditions. It's not cold hardy but can tolerate light frost. So bring a touch of the South East Asian rainforests to your living space with the fascinating Burmese Fishtail Palm.

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