Calendula officinalis, also known as Pot Marigold, is a versatile plant in the genus Calendula of the family Asteraceae. While its precise origin is unknown, it may be native to southern Europe and widely naturalized in warm temperate regions worldwide. It is perennial in Hardiness Zones 9+, and an annual for 8 and below. The plant is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making it a valuable addition to salads, soups, and cakes. The fresh petals have a sweet taste, followed by a strong, salty flavor. The dried petals are used as a seasoning and make an excellent yellow dye, which is used as a hair rinse for golden tints. Pot Marigold has been used for its medicinal and herbal properties in ancient cultures and is still popular today. Its leaves can be made into poultices to heal scratches and shallow cuts, while its extracts are widely used in cosmetics for their antioxidant power. Pot Marigold is also a valuable bee forage, adding beauty and nectar to any garden. Its easy cultivation and ability to reseed make it a popular choice among gardeners.