Buddleja davidii

Butterfly Bush, Orange Eye Butterflybush, Summer Lilac

  • Buddleja davidii

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Growing Info

Scarification: none required
Stratification: none required
Germination: sow seed 1/16" deep, tamp the soil, mulch the seed bed

Looking for an attractive and ornamental plant to grow in your garden? Look no further than Buddleja davidii, commonly known as summer lilac, butterfly-bush, or orange eye. This flowering shrub is native to China and Japan and is widely used as an ornamental plant around the world. With its vigorous growth and arching habit, summer lilac can reach a height of 5m. Its honey-scented lilac to purple inflorescences are terminal panicles, and it is a perfect source of nectar for many species of butterfly. This plant comes in many named varieties, with over 180 davidii cultivars in cultivation. Though not suitable for northern or montane climates, Buddleja davidii is a popular and stunning addition to any temperate garden.

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