Introducing the Purple Top White Globe Turnip, an exceptional Heirloom variety that is easy to grow and incredibly rewarding. With roots that reach 4-5 inches in diameter and mature in just 40 to 60 days, this vegetable is perfect for both raw and cooked dishes, offering a mild and sweet taste that will delight your senses. The tops of the turnip can also be eaten when young as greens or in soups, making it a versatile addition to your kitchen. But this is not just a delicious vegetable - the Purple Top White Globe Turnip is high in vitamins, offering you a nutrient-rich food source for your family. This biennial plant is not frost tender, in flower from May to August, and the seeds ripen from July to September. The flowers are self-fertile and pollinated by bees. The leaves and roots of this vegetable are not just versatile in the kitchen - they also have medicinal properties that have been used for centuries. Decoctions of the leaves or stems are used in the treatment of cancer, and the powdered seed is a popular folk remedy for this disease. The crushed ripe seeds can also be used as a poultice on burns. While some caution should be exercised in using this vegetable for medicinal purposes, it is a testament to the many benefits of the Purple Top White Globe Turnip. So why not grow your own today and discover the fantastic tastes and health benefits of this amazing vegetable?