Brassica napus 'Bonar' is an exceptional Forage Rape variant, best known for its abundance of large leaves, and high resistance to powdery mildew, an important attribute for maintaining a healthy, productive crop. This variety is late maturing, ensuring a high yield over an extended harvest period.
Not just an agricultural marvel, the 'Bonar' variety is categorized as an oilseed Rape, celebrated for its vibrant yellow flowers and oil-rich seeds. Cultivated explicitly for its distinct oil content, 'Bonar' plays an essential role in the production of biodiesel, a renewable and environmentally-friendly alternative to traditional fuels.
Brassica napus 'Bonar' is also a source of canola oil, a multipurpose oil used widely in cooking and as a unique ingredient in soaps and margarines. When esterified, this oil plays an essential role as a lubricant in jet engines and can be refined further into biodiesel.
The seeds also have utilization in wildlife care as bird feed. After oil extraction, the leftover seed residue serves as a nutritious fodder for livestock. Furthermore, you can choose to grow the plant as a cover crop or green manure, adding versatility to its agricultural applications. Consider Brassica napus 'Bonar' as a superior choice for high yield and diverse use.