The Achiote plant, also known as Bixa orellana, Lipstick Tree or Annatto, is a shrub or small tree originating from the Americas. The plant bears pink flowers and bright red spiny fruits that contain red seeds, which are used to produce the natural pigment annatto. This pigment is the second most important natural colorant in the world and yields yellow to red colors. The Achiote plant is used not only to color food, but also to dye cloth and paint the skin. Bees collect nectar from its flowers to make honey. The plant is also used for its stem fiber, an adhesive gum, and traditional medicinal purposes. Culturally, the plant has a long history of being used by American Indians for making bright red paint for the body and hair. The plant is used in traditional dishes in Central and South America, Mexico, and the Caribbean, as well as in industrial food coloring. The Achiote plant is grown easily in frost-free regions, and it can be propagated from seed and cuttings. It is an excellent option for ornamental purposes for its bright pink pods.