Betula ermanii, common name Erman's Birch, is a notably elegant tree recognized for its peeling creamy bark enlivened with copper-pink undertones. Adorned with large, coarsely toothed, heart-shaped leaves, this birch variety ignites vibrant shades of green in spring and transitions to a dazzling golden yellow in autumn.
In its season of full bloom, the tree sprouts tiny yellowish-brown male flowers in long catkins showing off its beauty throughout the year. On reaching maturity, it exhibits a stately and broadly conical habit, growing to a substantial height of 50-70 ft while stretching 30 ft wide.
Its graceful countenance is especially striking in winter and would definitely elevate the aesthetics of your garden, whether you choose it as a single or multi-stemmed specimen.
A lover of both full sun and part shade, Erman's Birch is highly adaptable and thrives in well-drained, medium to wet soils, tolerating a wide range of soil types. This strong, consistent performer is a perfect choice for borders, city gardens, and foundation plantings.
Native to Northeast Asia, the Betula ermanii varies in color from creamy pink to apricot. Its form varies as well, ranging from a bush-like appearance with multiple stems to a single straight trunk.