Aronia arbutifolia


Brilliant Red Chokeberry

  • Aronia arbutifolia 'Brilliantissima'

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Min. hardiness zone:

Growing Info

Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours
Stratification: cold stratify for 90 days
Germination: sow seed 1/16" deep, tamp the soil, lightly mulch the seed bed.

Looking for a stunning and hardy shrub to add to your landscape? Look no further than the Aronia arbutifolia 'Brilliantissima' Brilliant Red Chokeberry. This deciduous shrub grows slowly to a manageable height of 6-8 feet and is known for its glossy red berries and vibrant red fall foliage. The 'Brilliantissima' cultivar is even more compact than the species and produces even more abundant fruit and lustrous foliage. Despite its common name, these berries are technically edible, but their tart flavor makes them better suited for use in tasty jams and jellies. Native to the eastern US, this shrub also produces white to pinkish flowers in the spring and makes a stunning addition to any landscape.

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(315) 497-1058
269 NY-34 Locke NY 13092

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