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Author:Philipp Franz von Siebold and Joseph Gerhard Zuccarini
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2018 crop India

Araucaria cunninghamii

Colonial Pine, Hoop Pine, Moreton Bay Pine, Queensland Pine

  • Araucaria cunninghamii

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Min. hardiness zone:

Growing Info

Scarification: none required
Stratification: none required
Germination: sow 1-2" deep, tamp the soil, mulch the seed bed

Other: seedlings need shade for their first year 

In a Nutshell:

* Araucaria cunninghamii is a species of Araucaria known as hoop pine. Other less commonly used names include colonial pine and Queensland pine. The scientific name honours the botanist and explorer Allan Cunningham, who collected the first specimens in the 1820s.
* The species is found in the dry rainforests of New South Wales and Queensland and in New Guinea. The trees can live up to 450 years and grow to a height of 60 metres. The bark is rough, splits naturally, and peels easily.
* The leaves on young trees are awl-shaped, 1–2 cm long, about 2 mm thick at the base, and scale-like, incurved, 1–2 cm long and 4 mm broad on mature trees. The cones are ovoid, 8–10 cm long and 6–8 cm diameter, and take about 18 months to mature. They disintegrate at maturity to release the nut-like edible seeds.
* The wood is a high quality timber that is particularly important to the plywood industry and also used for furniture, veneer, joinery, panelling, particle board, flooring and boats. Most natural stands in Australia and Papua New Guinea have been depleted by logging. It is now mainly found on timber plantations, however, the species continues to thrive in protected areas, including Lamington National Park where at least one walking track is named after it.
* Australian Aborigines used the resin as cement. more...
* Reputedly, the largest living specimens are in the Cunningham Gap area near the Queensland-New South Wales border. Curiously, the National Register of Big Trees (2012) does not appear to list any trees in habitat, but reports the largest hoop pine in Australia to be 183 cm dbh and 28.0 m tall (measured 2009), located in Tullera, NSW. The tallest tree in the Register is currently a 42.5 m specimen (measured 2009) at the Adelaide Botanic Gardens, Australia.
* Widely planted in Australia, both ornamentally and in timber plantations. The timber is "a first-class softwood varying from almost white to cream or light brown. A plain timber of even texture without prominent grain or growth rings. Peels easily, the Australian plywood industry was founded largely on hoop pine. Virtually odourless. Durable in the dry but may be susceptible to fungi. Easy to work. Readily accepts a wide variety of stains and finishes. Uses: Plywood, cabinet work, furniture, flooring, mouldings and linings, boat building. At one time used for butter boxes, fruit boxes. Widely available" more...

Usda description:

More info on http://plants.usda.gov

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