Andropogon virginicus, also known as Broom Sedge, Broomsedge Bluestem, or Yellowsedge Bluestem, is a versatile grass native to the southeastern United States. This perennial grass forms narrow clumps of stems up to just about 4 ft in height and requires a light porous sandy soil in full sun. It is often found in very acid soils in the wild. Its stems and leaves are green when new, turning purplish to orange and then straw-colored with age.
Andropogon virginicus has large amounts of small seeds that can disperse on the wind. It is a highly successful species due to its prolific seed production, high germination rate, high seedling survival rate, and ability to thrive in poor soils. Additionally, this grass can compete with other species through allelopathy by releasing herbicidal chemicals from its dying tissues, such as drying leaves.
Though Broom Sedge has proven to be a weed in some areas, it is still cultivated as an ornamental plant due to its unique characteristics. It is tolerant of fire and grows back quickly and more abundantly after a burn. The grass is most problematic in areas where its natural growth patterns are out of synch with the local climate, such as in Hawaii, where it is weedy.
Despite its weediness in some areas, Andropogon virginicus is a hardy and durable species that stands out due to its unique colors and adaptability. It is perfect for those looking for a low-maintenance ornamental grass with a rustic charm.