Amelanchier laevis , also known as Smooth Shadbush and Alleghany Serviceberry, is a beautiful tree form of Serviceberry is native to the eastern United States and is widely used in Europe. It reaches up to 30 ft in height and is an excellent bird plant, thanks to its 3/8" purple-black fruit that birds love to eat.
Not only are the fruits delicious and edible, with a sweet flavor that can be enjoyed raw or cooked, but the bark of this tree can also be used to create a herbal medicine for expectant mothers. Additionally, the fruit is rich in iron and copper, making it a beneficial addition to your diet.
Amelanchier laevis is a deciduous tree that can be grown as an ornamental shrub. Its leaves are purplish to bronzy in spring, giving way to green foliage in the summer. With its lovely appearance and abundance of tasty fruit, this tree is sure to be a standout in your garden.
Whether you're a bird enthusiast, a fan of edible landscaping, or simply love the beauty of native trees, the Amelanchier laevis Alleghany Serviceberry is a fantastic choice. With a planting density ranging from 700 to 1200 trees per acre, this tree can be a valuable addition to any landscape.