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Althaea officinalis

Common Marshmallow, Marshmallow

In Stock: 3.95 lb (Total:3.95lb)
  • Althaea officinalis

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Buying options

3.95 lb


Germination test:
Cut (Full Seed)
Seeds per lb:
3.95 lb
Collected in:
Crop year:
Min. hardiness zone:
Item ID:

Growing Info

Scarification: none required
Stratification: none required
Germination: can be sown in fall or spring, sow seed 1/16" deep, tamp the soil

Discover Althaea officinalis, Common Marshmallow, an herbaceous perennial native to Europe and northern Africa that thrives best in full sun and moist, fertile soils. This versatile plant is tolerant to a variety of soil types and resilient against brief drought periods. It occupies the 3-9 hardiness zones and can grow up to four feet high, with a potential spread of up to six feet. Marshmallow plant ensures a lush experience with its distinctive, velvety leaves bearing a soft hair texture and reaching up to four inches long. Expect a charming show of pale pink flowers blooming individually or in small clusters from mid to late summer.
Marshmallow presents a robust defense against major pests and diseases. It's resistant against flea beetles and foliar rusts. Ideal for herb or vegetable gardens, rain gardens, cottage gardens and informal settings, this plant is more than just an ornamental addition. It's also a functional culinary and medicinal resource. The mucilage content in the plant thickens soups and stews. The roots and leaves traditionally soothe and reduce inflammation of the mucous membranes. Ancient times saw the roots being used with honey to create both a sweet treat and a medicine, the basis for today’s modern marshmallows.
Explore the benefits and beauty that the Althaea officinalis, Common Marshmallow, has to offer, a bountiful blend of aesthetic charm and pragmatic benefits. Embark on a gardening journey that connects the past to the present through the vibrant vines of this enduring plant.

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