Alnus serrulata, also known as hazel alder, smooth alder or tag alder, is a thicket-forming shrub in the Betulaceae family that grows up to 20 ft high and 6 inches in diameter. This native of eastern North America is found from western Nova Scotia and southern New Brunswick south to Florida and Texas. Its extensive root system makes it perfect for planting on stream banks to prevent erosion. It prefers moist soil and requires sun or part-sun. Its leaves are dark green on top, pale on the underside, and have notable toothed margins. The flowers are monoecious, opening from March to April before new growth in the spring. The ovate, dark brown fruit is hard with winged scales. Besides being a stabilizer and restorer for riversides or streambanks, it is also used for medicinal purposes, such as treating diarrhea, coughs, and toothaches, among others. With a rapid growth rate, it can reach maturity in around 10 years and needs a 5-10 foot spacing in wildlife habitats. Get your Alnus serrulata - hazel alder seeds today for a natural and functional addition to your garden!