Discover the versatile plant Ageratum conyzoides, known as Billygoat weed, Goatweed, or Tropical Whiteweed. Native to Tropical America, specifically Brazil, this herb stands 2-3 ft high, with ovate leaves 2–6 cm long and white to mauve flowers. Despite being considered an invasive weed in several regions, it offers numerous beneficial uses.
Ageratum conyzoides is known for its unique composition. It contains 0.7 - 2.0% essential oil, alkaloids, and saponins, which contribute to the anti-inflammatory and antiallergic properties of this plant. This plant's juice, whether from a fresh or dried plant, is extensively used in the treatment of allergic rhinitis and sinusitis. Additionally, it assists in controlling post-partum uterine haemorrhage. It can also combat dysentery and diarrhea. It also serves as an effective insecticide and nematicide. However, it's important to note that consuming this plant may lead to liver lesions and tumors due to the presence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids lycopsamine and echinatine.
Ageratum conyzoides has a USDA hardiness of 8-11 and it's a common inhabitant of cultivated grounds around the Tropics within 20° of the Equator. It grows best in light, medium, or heavy soils but cannot tolerate shade. It’s important to exercise caution when growing Ageratum conyzoides outside of its natural habitat due to its invasive nature.