Aesculus glabra


Arguta Ohio Buckeye, Texas buckeye, Western buckeye

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  • Aesculus glabra 'Arguta'

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Min. hardiness zone:

No Export to These Countries


Growing Info

Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours
Stratification: cold stratify for 90 days
Germination: sow 1-2" deep, tamp the soil, mulch the seed bed

Other: fall sowing in mulched beds is prefered to artificial stratification 

Discover the remarkable beauty of Aesculus glabra var. arguta, commonly known as Texas Buckeye, Western Buckeye or Arguta Ohio Buckeye. This small, multi-trunked tree stands between 10-25 ft. high and can reach up to 50ft. It features pale-yellow blossoms, glossy and palmately compound leaves contributing to an open-spreading crown, setting a charming landscape view. Enjoy a deeper connection with nature, as this deciduous tree adorns your space with its large, rounded, dark brown seeds marked with a distinct white spot at the base.

We distinguish the Aesculus glabra arguta by its large number of narrow leaflets and often shrubby size, formerly recognized as A. arguta. Now, it's recognized as a shrubby, western variety of Aesculus glabra, known for being more adaptable to hot, dry conditions than the similar Ohio buckeye.

Growing best on well-drained, slightly acidic soils, this buckeye species shines with its dark green leaves featuring 5-11 leaflets. Wait for spring and observe the transformation when it yields creamy white to yellow flowers post the leaves' emergence and bears a leathery fruit containing 2-3 large shiny seeds.

From wooded ravines to hillsides, the Arguta Ohio Buckeye thrives in a variety of habitats and light conditions. Although it prefers moist to wet soils, it can equally adapt to sand, limestone or granite soils. Introduce this excellent specimen tree to your garden or landscape and enjoy a delightful touch of nature.

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