Acer Spicatum, also referred to as Moosewood or Mountain Maple, is a native species of maple found in northeast North America, from Saskatchewan to Newfoundland, and as far south as Pennsylvania. It flourishes in high altitudes of the southern Appalachian Mountains down to northern Georgia. The sturdy deciduous shrub morphs into a spreading crown tree reaching heights between 10–25 ft with light green lobed leaves and thin bark. Its leaves turn vibrant yellow to red during fall in May and its seeds ripen in August. Acer Spicatum thrives in rich, well-drained soils prevalent on rocky hillsides and alongside streams. The sap derived from the tree may be boiled to make maple syrup and extracts from its bark, leaves, and twigs are believed to have medicinal values such as alleviating eye irritation and relieving stress. Its fruit, a paired, reddish samara matures in late summer to early autumn. Acer Spicatum makes a beautiful addition to any tree lover's collection.