Acer rubrum, or red maple, is a popular choice for homeowners and landscapers. This deciduous tree grows up to 50 ft tall and is known for its brilliant deep scarlet foliage in autumn. It is adaptable to a wide range of site conditions, including heavy clay soil, acidic or neutral soil, and can tolerate atmospheric pollution. Red Maple is hardy to zone 3 and can grow in semi-shade or no shade, requiring moist soil. In spring and summer, it produces hermaphroditic flowers that are pollinated by wind. The tree is distinguished by its leaves, which are typically 5-10 cm long and wide with 3-5 palmate lobes and a serrated margin. The leaves turn a brilliant red in the fall and the twigs are reddish in color and somewhat shiny with small lenticels. Red Maple is also known for its variable form, with its crown being irregularly ovoid with ascending whip-like curved shoots. This tree is widely available and suitable for lumber and nursery stock production. Its adaptability and aesthetic appeal make it a popular choice for landscaping and forestry.