Acer rubrum Selected Varieties, Select Red Maple, is a popular deciduous tree for landscaping. Growing up to 80 ft, it is hardy in zone 3 and adapts to a wide range of site conditions, from light sandy to heavy clay soils. These varieties (typically from Red Sunset and October Glory) are carefully selected for its brilliant deep scarlet foliage in autumn, making it stand out among other maple trees. The leaves are typically 5-10 cm long with 3-5 palmate lobes and a serrated margin. Its reddish twigs and lenticels add to its aesthetic appeal. The tree flowers in spring, with unisexual flowers and a double samara fruit that ripens before the leaves fully develop. The tree is widespread in eastern North America and is easily recognizable due to its highly variable features. Ideal for landscaping, this adaptable tree will add vibrant color and beauty to any yard or garden.