Abies concolor ssp. concolor, also known as White Fir or Concolor Fir, is a beautiful ornamental landscaping tree and a popular choice as a Christmas tree. Highly recommended for zones 5 and 6, this tree is a little bluer in color than its Colorado counterpart and a little more cold hardy than its Arizona counterpart. It thrives in good moist but not water-logged soil and grows well in heavy clay soils. While it prefers slightly acidic conditions, it can tolerate a pH of about 5. Plants are very shade tolerant, but growth is slower in dense shade. The crushed leaves have a strong lemony scent and the cones, which ripen to a pale brown, disintegrate at maturity, releasing their winged seeds. White Fir is an excellent choice for both ornamental landscaping and forestry use. It produces a spire-like crown with a straight trunk, and the lower portion of the crown is often free of branches. Its needles are small and narrow, bluish-green when young, and pointed or notched at the tip. This beautiful and versatile tree is an ideal addition to any landscape.