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Parrotia persica - Persian Ironwood Seed - Sheffield's Seed Co., Inc.

Parrotia persica

Persian Ironwood, Persian Parrotia

In Stock: 0.524 lb (Total:0.524lb)
  • Parrotia persica

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Buying options

0.52 lb


Germination test:
Cut (Full Seed)
Seeds per lb:
0.52 lb
Collected in:
Crop year:
Min. hardiness zone:
Item ID:

Growing Info

Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours
Stratification: warm stratify for 180 days, cold stratify for 90 days
Germination: sow seed 3/8" deep, tamp the soil, mulch the seed bed

Discover the beauty of Parrotia persica, also known as Persian Ironwood or Persian Parrotia. This deciduous tree belongs to the family Hamamelidaceae and is closely related to Witch-hazels. Indigenous to the Alborz mountains in northern Iran, it features shiny dark green leaves that transform into a spectacular display of red, orange, and yellow hues in the fall. With its shrubby growth habit and tiny flowers adorned with red anthers in early spring, this tree brings a touch of elegance to any landscape.

One of the standout characteristics of Parrotia persica is its unique bark. As the tree matures, the bark flakes off to reveal a stunning combination of greens, whites, and browns, reminiscent of plane trees. This species prefers slightly acidic soil and thrives in full sun, although it can also tolerate shade.

Reaching heights of up to 30 meters and spreading 8-15 meters in width, Parrotia persica is a majestic addition to any garden. Its smooth, pinkish-brown bark peels to expose patches of cinnamon, pink, green, and pale yellow, adding visual interest year-round.

In addition to its natural beauty, Parrotia persica is highly sought after for its ornamental value. Gardeners and landscapers adore its stunning autumn color and the striking patterns on its bark. Several cultivated varieties have been developed, including the semi-weeping 'Horizontalis,' the graceful 'Pendula' (Kew Form), the purple-margined 'Select,' and the upright, columnar 'Vanessa.'

Capture the enchantment of Parrotia persica in your garden and enjoy its captivating autumn foliage and unique bark patterns. This Iranian native is a true gem that stands out among other ornamental trees. For more information, visit http://plants.usda.gov.

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