Discover Tatarian White Mulberry, a resilient and versatile asset to any garden. Scientifically known as Morus alba var. tatarica, this species is the hardiest of all mulberries. This fast-growing, small to medium-sized mulberry tree thrives in cold climates, reaching heights of 30-60 ft. Its dense, round-domed structure filled with shiny dark green leaves offers a windbreak, while its young leaves and sweet fruits, varying from white, pinkish to purple violet, tantalize taste buds and make it an avian favorite. Not only does it offer great beauty and delicious fruits, but its inner bark has commercial use in paper and rope making. Besides, this species, originally imported as food for silkworms, has deep roots in cultivation, dating back over 4000 years in China. Despite its wide naturalization, it still maintains its luster. In the world of botany, the White Mulberry is famous for the rapid plant movement of the pollen release from its catkins – the fastest in the plant kingdom. Grow this hardy, multipurpose tree to add value, function, and charm to your environment.