Discover the captivating beauty and exquisite flavor of the Mespilus germanica Medlar, also known as the Showy Mespilus. This unique flowering tree, belonging to the rose family, produces stunning white or light pink hawthorn-like flowers in late spring. Native to southeast Europe and southwest Asia, particularly the Black Sea coasts of modern-day Turkey, this fruit-bearing tree was introduced to Germany by the Romans.
Growing up to 8 meters tall, the Mespilus germanica thrives in warm summers and mild winters, favoring sunny and dry locations with slightly acidic soil. Its dark green elliptic leaves turn a striking shade of red during the autumn season before gracefully falling. The tree bears reddish-brown medlar fruit, resembling a pome, which are initially hard and intensely acidic.
However, as the fruit ages or experiences frost, the flesh transforms from white to brown, resulting in a soft, sweet flavor reminiscent of tropical fruits. Some liken the taste to luscious apple sauce. This transformation can cause confusion for those new to medlar consumption, as the softened appearance may appear spoiled. Patience is key, as the fruit requires sufficient time for natural softening.
A short-lived plant with a lifespan of 30-50 years, the Mespilus germanica is not only a stunning addition to any landscape but also offers culinary possibilities. Perfect for making delicious jellies, these 1 1/2" fruits, often found on old, thorny trees, possess a hard and brownish exterior.
Hardy to zone 6, this deciduous tree can withstand various soil types, including light sandy, loamy, and heavy clay soils, provided they are well-drained. While it tolerates semi-shade and moist soil, it does not fare well in maritime exposure.
Indulge your senses with the splendid Mespilus germanica Medlar. For more information about this remarkable plant, visit our website at