Explore the fascinating world of Hovenia dulcis, the Japanese Raisin Tree or Oriental Raisin Tree, known for its unique, nutritious fruit. This hardy tree thrives in sunny positions on moist sandy or loamy soils, from Japan, Eastern China and Korea, and extends to altitudes of up to 6,500 ft in the Himalayas. The fruit, which resembles raisins when dried, has the texture and sweetness of a pear, containing 11.4% glucose, 4.7% fructose, and 12.6% sucrose. Interestingly, the 'fruit' isn't a real fruit, but a swollen receptacle, and the seeds within it are noted for their diuretic properties, traditionally used to treat alcohol intoxication. The tree has been introduced to several countries, where it serves ornamental purposes, and has been identified as a pervasive invader in Brazilian subtropical forests. In addition to its edible value, the extract of seeds, bough and young leaves can be used as a honey substitute and to make wine and candy. The tree also yields fine timber used in building construction and fine furniture.