Trifolium repens


Ladino White Clover, White Clover

In Stock: 20.1 lb (Total:17.85lb)
  • Trifolium repens Ladino

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Buying options

1.48 lb
Seeds are coated for easier planting.
20.1 lb


Germination test:
Seeds per lb:
20.1 lb
Collected in:
New Zealand
Crop year:
Min. hardiness zone:
Item ID:
Native to: Albania, Corse, France, Greece, Lebanon-Syria, Sardegna, Sicilia, Turkey, Turkey-in-Europe, Yugoslavia

No Export to These Countries

Russian Federation

Growing Info

Scarification: none required
Stratification: none required
Germination: surface sow or lighty cover with soil, warm shaded location until seeds germinate, at first leaves place in sunny location, keep soil moist

Other: Broadcast, drill or hydroseed on prepared seed bed. 

Trifolium repens Ladino, more commonly known as Ladino White Clover, originated from Northern Italy by cross breeding large leaf type clovers. These large, leafy plants, bred for high production, are now grown worldwide. Standing 8 to 12 inches tall, Ladinos are characterized by their smooth leaves, usually marked with a white "V", and copious white flowers. Don't let the common misconception fool you; while Ladinos are perceived as cattle clovers, they also serve as excellent forage for deer.
Ladino White Clovers are long-lasting perennials in northern climates but live a shorter lifespan, acting as annuals in the Deep South. Despite their size, Ladinos are lightweight competitors, able to hold their own against grassy weeds thanks to their tall growth.
Known to be fruitful even in unfavorable conditions, Ladinos are extremely hardy, capable of producing up to 10,000 lbs per acre per year of high-quality forage. Their strong performance translates into outstanding productivity on poorly drained soil, as they are known to fix the most nitrogen per acre amongst all white clovers.
Aside from providing nourishment for wildlife and livestock, Ladino White Clovers are also a cover crop for soil protection, offering effective erosion control. These unique plants are also attractive to honeybees, serving as an essential food source. This combination of benefits makes the Ladino White Clover an incredibly versatile legume, capable of being harvested for hay, silage, and green chop. Join us in the cultivation of this environmentally friendly, easily grown, and extremely beneficial plant today.

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