Experience the beauty and quality of Toona ciliata, also known as the Australian Red Cedar, Indian Mahogany, Suren, or Toon. This forest tree belongs to the Meliaceae family and grows throughout southern Asia, from Afghanistan to Papua New Guinea and Australia. Despite extensive clearing of its natural habitat in Australia, Toona ciliata remains highly valued for its red timber which is easy to work with and was once commonly used for furniture, wood panelling, and shipbuilding. The species can grow up to 60m in height and has a trunk that can reach 3m in girth. It is one of Australia's few native deciduous trees. Heavily exploited in the 19th and early 20th centuries, almost all the large trees were cut out, and the tree was considered commercially extinct. However, regrowth and harvesting from sustainable forestry now provide timber up to 1 metre in diameter for the furniture trade in Australia, and timber is not difficult to source. Toona ciliata grows best in an environment with high light levels, making it less susceptible to the Cedar Tip Moth. Toona ciliata is not generally a viable plantation species, tree harvesting by Forestry occurs regularly in the Atherton region of Queensland. The tree is widely planted in subtropical and tropical parts of the world as a shade tree and for its fast-growing aspect. Don't miss out on the opportunity to experience the beauty and quality of Toona ciliata.