Eriodictyon californicum, also known as Bear Weed, California Yerba Santa, Mountain Balm, and Consumptive Weed, is a shrub found in California and Oregon in several types of habitats, such as chaparral and Coast redwood forests. The narrow leaves are somewhat lance-shaped and up to 6 inches long, and the inflorescence is a cluster of bell-shaped white to purplish flowers. This plant is traditionally used as an expectorant to treat diseases of the chest and respiratory system, including asthma and hay fever. Additionally, compounds found in California Yerba Santa have potential uses in the food and pharmaceutical industry to mask bitter taste. This shrub is also used for revegetating damaged or disturbed lands. Yerba Santa is a specific Papilio eurymedon butterfly food and habitat plant. The leaves can be chewed for their refreshing taste and to relieve thirst, and an aromatic sweet tea can be made from the fresh or dried leaves. The leaves have been woven into skirts and aprons.