Brachychiton rupestris

Narrowleaf Bottle Tree, Queensland Bottle Tree

In Stock: 1.755 lb (Total:1.755lb)
  • Brachychiton rupestris

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Buying options

1.76 lb


Germination test:
Cut (Full Seed)
Seeds per lb:
1.76 lb
Collected in:
Crop year:
Min. hardiness zone:
Item ID:

Growing Info

Scarification: Pour in just boiled water over seeds, soak for 30 seconds. Transfer to a container with luke warm water and soak overnight. Swollen seed can then be sown, re-treat seeds that have not swollen.
Stratification: none required
Germination: Sow the depth of seed deep. Place in a warm shaded or semi shaded position to avoid dying out. The growing medium should be well draining but should remain damp between watering. Keep moist but not too wet as the seed may rot. Do not let the growing mix completely dry out.

Other: Germination should occur in 10-21 days. 

Discover the spectacular Brachychiton rupestris, also known as the Queensland Bottle Tree, Narrowleaf Bottle Tree, or Kurrajong. This semi-deciduous tree is celebrated for its unique, swollen trunk, or 'pachycaul', which earns it its namesake. Naturally found in Queensland, Australia, and northern New South Wales, it grows up to 60 feet in the wild. However, the Bottle Tree remains modest in size in cultivation, often reaching 20-25 feet after 30 years. The tree's distinct bottle-shaped structure develops as it matures and stores water. Notably tolerant of dry conditions, it nevertheless thrives with moderate irrigation. Offering a striking display of cream and red flowers in late spring to early summer, it can shed leaves during times of drought. Hardy to 18-20° F for brief periods, it is suitable to a wide range of soil types. With origins dating to expeditions in 1848, the Brachychiton rupestris carries a rich history. Today, large specimens have been relocated worldwide, testament to their resilience and remarkable survival skills. Join us in marveling at this fantastic tree, which fits seamlessly into xerophytic landscapes and offers unique beauty to any garden.

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