Menispermum canadense

Common Moonseed, Moonseed, Yellow Parilla

  • Menispermum canadense

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Min. hardiness zone:

Growing Info

Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours
Stratification: cold stratify for 60 days
Germination: sow seed 1/8" inch deep, tamp the soil, keep moist, mulch the seed bed, remove mulch upon germination, requires light for germination

Looking to add a touch of nature to your garden? Consider Menispermum canadense, also known as Common Moonseed or Yellow Parilla. This native flowering plant is a vigorous and fast-growing climbing vine that adds a unique touch to any landscape. Its greenish-white flowers grow in small clusters on large leaves, creating a stunning visual display.

But be cautious, the fruit of Menispermum canadense is highly toxic and resembles whitish-powdered grapes. Ingesting the fruit can be fatal, so it's important to keep it away from children and pets. However, the plant does have medicinal uses when used properly. Native American tribes historically used Menispermum canadense as a dermatological, gastrointestinal, gynecological, and venereal aid.

This woody climbing vine can grow up to 6 meters in height and thrives in thickets, moist woods, and along streams. Its palmately lobed leaves and purple-black berries, which resemble a crescent moon, add a touch of elegance to any garden. Menispermum canadense is a hardy plant that spreads by underground suckers, forming colonies of genetically identical plants.

Whether you're looking for a unique addition to your garden or interested in its historical medicinal uses, Menispermum canadense is a fascinating plant to explore. Just remember to exercise caution and enjoy its beauty from a safe distance.

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