Chamaecyparis obtusa, also known as Hinoki Cypress or Japanese White Cedar, is a slow-growing evergreen tree with dark red-brown bark and dark green foliage. It can grow up to 75 ft tall and 3 ft in diameter and is native to central Japan. The wood of Hinoki Cypress is highly valued and used in traditional Japanese building, including palaces, temples, and shrines. It is also a popular ornamental tree and is often grown in gardens and as bonsai. There are over 200 cultivars of Hinoki Cypress, including dwarf forms, forms with yellow leaves, and congested foliage. The leaves contain various compounds, including hinokiflavone and podocarpusflavone, which are used in traditional medicines. While it is a major cause of hay fever in Japan, the light, earthy aroma of Hinoki wood is also used as a traditional Japanese stick incense. Hinoki Cypress is a versatile tree, valued both for its aesthetic and practical uses.