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Calycanthus floridus, (Sweet Shrub, Carolina Allspice), Sheffield's Seed Co.
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Calycanthus floridus, (Sweet Shrub, Carolina Allspice), Sheffield's Seed Co.
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Calycanthus floridus

Carolina Allspice, Common Sweetshrub, Eastern Sweetshrub

In Stock: 7.92 lb (Total:8.943lb)
  • Calycanthus floridus

    All items have bulk rates priced in
select i.*, as2.state_abbr from inventory_item_manage i left outer join sheffields_2017.address_states as2 on (as2.state_name = i.CollectionLocale or as2.state_abbr = i.CollectionLocale) where i.inventory_id = '3699' group by i.id

Buying options

1.02 lb
7.92 lb


Germination test:
Cut (Full Seed)
Seeds per lb:
7.92 lb
Collected in:
Crop year:
Min. hardiness zone:
Item ID:

Growing Info

Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours
Stratification: cold stratify for 90 days
Germination: sow seed 1/4" deep, tamp the soil, mulch the seed bed

Other: 60 days cold strat may be enough 

Discover the captivating allure of Calycanthus floridus, commonly known as Carolina Allspice or Eastern Sweetshrub. This deciduous shrub, native to the southeastern United States, adds charm and fragrance to shady woodlands and streambanks with its unique flowers. Renowned for its aromatic blooms that exude hints of pineapple, strawberry, and banana, this plant becomes more fragrant in warmer temperatures, making it a sensory delight in any garden. Its Greek-derived name, combining "calyx" and "flower," speaks to its botanical elegance.

Growing between 6-12 feet tall, Carolina Allspice thrives in a range of soils from full sun to deep shade, preferring some respite from harsh summer afternoons. While tolerant of various soil textures, it flourishes in rich loams. Ideal for garden landscapes, its suckering habit and adaptability make it perfect for naturalizing spaces, creating privacy screens, foundation plantings, or enhancing shrub borders. To maintain its form, prune post-blooming and enjoy its sporadic flowering throughout the season. Resilient against cold, heat, and pests, this durable shrub is a remarkable addition to sensory, cutting, or woodland gardens, offering beauty and fragrance year-round.

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