Campsis radicans, also known as Trumpet Creeper or Trumpet Vine, is a woody vine native to woodlands of the southeastern United States and is popular as a garden perennial across the country. It is hardy to about -4°F and stands out for its beautiful and showy trumpet-shaped flowers of orange or reddish-orange color attracting hummingbirds and other pollinators. However, it is a fast-growing and aggressive spreader and can grow up to 15-33 ft tall if not maintained properly. Its thick woody vines and root rhizome growth have high erosion preventive properties and can grow in almost all types of soil. Regular severe pruning is essential to control its rampant growth. While its blossoms are a treat to watch, it may cause skin irritation to humans and cattle due to its "cow itch" nickname. Despite being susceptible to various insects, the plant's ability to spread rapidly helps counteract these risks. Overall, Campsis radicans is an excellent garden plant to beautify trellises, fences, walls, and other landscapes if handled with care.