Looking for a fast-growing hedge? Consider the Baccharis halimifolia, also known as Groundsel Tree, Eastern Baccharis, or Cotton-seed Tree. This evergreen perennial plant is native to the southeastern United States, but can be found as far north as Maine. It's a great choice for exposed maritime conditions, as its extensive root system can bind the soil and it grows well on sand or thin coastal soils. Eastern Baccharis is also unusual in its salt-tolerance; it can thrive along salty or brackish shores of marshes and estuaries and provide food and cover for wildlife. Although the plant's seeds are toxic to humans, it has been traditionally used as a medicine to treat inflamed kidneys and fever in southern Louisiana. Eastern Baccharis is occasionally cultivated and is useful as a hedge or border, as well as a specimen plant. Germination usually takes place within 1-2 weeks, making it a relatively quick and easy addition to any landscape.