Discover the enchanting Viburnum lantanoides, commonly known as Dog-Hobble, Hobblebush, Moosewood, or Witch-Hobble. This captivating, open shrub grows up to 6-12 feet tall, showcasing fragrant, flat-topped clusters of small, white flowers that lure the Celastrina ladon (Spring Azure) butterfly with their nectar. The distinctive clusters feature larger outer flowers that create a striking lace-like display, resembling hydrangeas, contrasted against its medium green foliage. In fall, its leaves transform into breathtaking bronze-red or purple-pink hues, while vibrant berries transition from red to blue, offering both aesthetic appeal and nutritional value for local wildlife. Notably, the shrub's pendulous branches naturally root upon touching the ground, creating obstacles that gently "hobble" passers-by, thus earning its name. Ideal for natural gardens, this perennial shrub not only beautifies your landscape but also supports an ecosystem by providing essential food and cover for birds and mammals.