Introducing Allium schoenoprasum, commonly known as Chives or Wild Chives. This edible herb is native to both the New and the Old World and is the smallest species of the onion family, Alliaceae. Chives are a perennial herb that can easily be grown from seed, and their long growing season ensures a continuous supply of fresh chives for years to come. Its mild onion-like scent and pink flowers that range from rose to rosy purple make it an excellent addition to salads, baked potatoes, and other culinary dishes. Furthermore, chives keep pests away and are deer-resistant, making them ideal for pest control in home gardens. With a history dating back to the Middle Ages, chives have been known to have insect-repelling properties and can even be used for medicinal purposes. So, whether you are a culinary enthusiast or a botanist, chives are a must-have for your home or garden.