select i.*, as2.state_abbr
from inventory_item_manage i
left outer join sheffields_2017.address_states as2 on (as2.state_name = i.CollectionLocale or as2.state_abbr = i.CollectionLocale)
where i.inventory_id = '1521'
group by
Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours
Stratification: none required
Germination: sow seed 1/8" deep, tamp the soil, mulch the seed bed
In a Nutshell:
* Yucca filamentosa , commonly known as Adam's needle , is a medicinal plant native to eastern North America . more...
* Yucca filamentosa is an evergreen, drought-hardy, bold focal point foliage plant with a radiating "Southwestern Look", also having prominent flowering stalks in mid-Summer. more...
* A fibre obtained from the leaves is used for making ropes, cloth, baskets and mats. The fibre can also be used for making paper The leaves are harvested in summer, they are scraped to remove the outer skin and are then soaked in water for 24 hours prior to cooking. The fibres are cooked for 2 hours with lye and then beaten in a ball mill for 4 hours. They make a cream paper. The leaves are used as paint brushes. The roots are rich in saponins and can be used as a soap substitute for washing the hair, body and clothing. more...