Quercus bicolor

Swamp White Oak

Recalcitrant seeds need refrigeration. Since shipping times are out of our control, we are not liable for seed condition upon arrival.
  • Quercus bicolor

Please select the quantity desired, and we will advise availability and price as soon as possible.


Min. hardiness zone:

No Export to These Countries

New Zealand

Growing Info

Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours
Stratification: cold stratify for 60 days , or until radicle emergence
Germination: sow 1-2" deep, tamp the soil, mulch the seed bed

Other: fall sowing in mulched beds is prefered to artificial stratification 

Looking for a medium-sized, easy-to-grow tree that will attract wildlife to your yard? Consider Quercus bicolor - Swamp White Oak. Native to America's north central and northeastern mixed forests, this tree is a common element with a variety of habitats. Although it forms hybrids with bur oak where they occur together in the wild, the Swamp White Oak is an excellent lumber producer, making it a popular choice for landscaping. Its bark closely resembles that of the White Oak, and its broad ovoid leaves are shallowly lobed with five to seven lobes on each side, ideal for attracting wildlife when the acorns drop in autumn. This beautiful tree is even being planted in the newly constructed September 11 Memorial Plaza in Manhattan, proving its resilience and beauty.

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(315) 497-1058
269 NY-34 Locke NY 13092

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