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Quercus agrifolia (California Live Oak seed) Sheffield`s Seed Co., Inc.
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Quercus agrifolia

California Live Oak, Coast Live Oak

In Stock: 4.131 lb (Total:4.131lb)
  • Quercus agrifolia

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select i.*, as2.state_abbr from inventory_item_manage i left outer join sheffields_2017.address_states as2 on (as2.state_name = i.CollectionLocale or as2.state_abbr = i.CollectionLocale) where i.inventory_id = '1198' group by i.id

Buying options

4.13 lb


Germination test:
Cut (Full Seed)
Seeds per lb:
4.13 lb
Collected in:
Crop year:
Min. hardiness zone:
Item ID:

No Export to These Countries

New Zealand

Growing Info

Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours
Stratification: cold stratify for 60 days , or until radicle emergence
Germination: sow 1-2" deep, tamp the soil, mulch the seed bed

Other: fall sowing in mulched beds is prefered to artificial stratification 

Looking for a native, drought-resistant tree that can thrive in coastal environments? Look no further than the Quercus agrifolia, also known as the California live oak or coast live oak. This evergreen tree can reach heights from 19 to 82 feet and diameters from 1 to 4 feet. Its bark becomes deeply furrowed and ridged with age and it grows along the California coast, from Mendocino County to northern Baja California. The tree's foliage provides a home to seed-caching animals like scrub jays and California ground squirrels, which ensure the species' survival. Its wood can be used for fuel and coppice management. The coast live oak is an important part of several natural communities, including coast live oak woodland, Engelmann oak woodland, and valley oak woodland. It is also a staple of landscaping in western USA, but sensitive to changes in grading and drainage and prone to soil-borne diseases, so care must be taken in its incorporation.

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