Looking for a truly mesmerizing vine that will bring color to your garden? Look no further than Vitis coignetiae Crimson Glory Vine. This outstandingly large and colorful vine is a true kaleidoscope of rich purples, bright crimsons, yellows, reds, and oranges, especially when backlit by the western sun. This vigorous climber, native to Japan, Korea, and Sakhalin, is easy to grow and wants sun or part shade. While its 3/8" black berries are barely edible, this versatile plant is used as an ornamental plant for its crimson autumn foliage and also as an Oriental medicinal plant. In East Asia, it is even used to produce wines that are at first bitter but can be softened with sugar. The plant contains the stilbenoids ε-viniferin and rhapontigenin. Don't miss out on the chance to see the stunning Vitis coignetiae Crimson Glory Vine in your own garden.