Looking for a tree that's unique to New Zealand? Consider Podocarpus totara, also known as tōtara. This species is a slow-growing, long-lasting tree with a trunk that can reach up to 100 ft in height. The bark has a beautiful papery texture and the needle-like leaves are stiff and leathery, measuring about 2 cm long. Tōtara is a marvel in the forest, producing unusual cones with fleshy, juicy scales that turn bright red when mature. The wood of the tōtara is highly prized for its durability and resistance to rot, making it ideal for fence posts, floor pilings, and railway sleepers. The Maori people used it for traditional boat building, due to its light weight and natural oils that prevent rotting. Tōtara grows easily from seed and cuttings, and several cultivars are available for garden use. Discover the unique beauty and versatility of tōtara today!