Introducing the Myrica Gale Bog Myrtle, also known as Sweetgale - a flowering plant native to northern and western Europe and parts of northern North America. This deciduous shrub grows to 3-6 ft tall and is commonly found in wet peaty areas of cold northern regions. The foliage is fragrant when crushed and has been used medicinally for centuries. The aromatic fruits and leaves of the Myrica Gale are a versatile ingredient, used to flavor soups, stews and other dishes. They have also been used to flavor beer in England, enhancing its taste and increasing foaminess. The fruit is small, about 3mm in diameter with a single large seed, and the dried leaves make a delicate and palatable tea. The leaves are spirally arranged, simple and have a crinkled or finely toothed margin. The flowers are catkins, with separate male and female catkins on separate plants. Experience the unique flavor and medicinal benefits of Myrica Gale today.