Cytisus scoparius

Broom, Common Broom, English Broom, Scot's Broom , Scotch Broom

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In Stock: 7.533 lb (Total:7.533lb)
  • Cytisus scoparius

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Buying options

7.53 lb


Germination test:
Cut (Full Seed)
Seeds per lb:
7.53 lb
Collected in:
Crop year:
Min. hardiness zone:
Item ID:

Growing Info

Scarification: Soak in hot tap water, let stand in water for 24 hours
Stratification: none required
Germination: sow seed 1/4" deep, tamp the soil, mulch the seed bed

Other: if boiling water treatment does not allow seed to imbibe, sulfuric acid treatment is required 

Cytisus scoparius, commonly known as Broom, is a perennial, leguminous shrub native to western and central Europe. It can be found in sunny sites with dry, sandy soils at low altitudes. This hardy shrub typically grows to 1-3 meters tall, with main stems up to 5 cm thick. It has green shoots with small deciduous trifoliate leaves 5-15 mm long. In spring and summer, it is covered in profuse golden yellow flowers that are 20-30 mm in length and 15-20 mm wide. Flowering occurs after 50-80 growing degree days. In late summer, its legumes (seed pods) mature to black, 2-3 cm long, and burst open with an audible crack, forcibly throwing seeds from the parent plant.

Broom has medicinal uses as a bitter narcotic herb that depresses respiration and regulates heart action. It affects the electrical conductivity of the heart, slowing and regulating the transmission of impulses. The herbaceous tips of the flowering shoots are cardiotonic, cathartic, diuretic, emetic, and vasoconstrictor. The seeds can also be used. Internally, it is used in the treatment of heart complaints, often in conjunction with Convallaria majalis. Broom is also strongly diuretic, stimulating urine production and countering fluid retention. Due to its ability to cause uterine contractions, it has been used to prevent blood loss after childbirth. It should be used with caution as large doses may upset the stomach. The composition of active ingredients in the plant can vary, making it unreliable medicinally and therefore rarely used. Pregnant women and patients with high blood pressure should not use this herb without expert supervision.

Cytisus scoparius is the hardiest species of broom, tolerating temperatures down to about -25°C. It prefers well-drained soil but can grow in nutrient-poor soil. It can tolerate maritime exposure as well as atmospheric pollution. This shrub is also noted for attracting wildlife. Additionally, Broom is considered an invasive species in some regions outside its native range.

For more information, visit http://plants.usda.gov.

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