Juniperus deppeana

Alligator Juniper, Checkerbark Juniper

  • Juniperus deppeana

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Min. hardiness zone:

Growing Info

Scarification: Soak in hot tap water, let stand in water for 6 hours
Stratification: cold stratify for 60 days
Germination: sow seed 1/4" deep, tamp the soil, mulch the seed bed

Looking for a unique and distinctive tree to add to your landscape? Look no further than the Juniperus deppeana, also known as the Alligator Juniper or Checkerbark Juniper. This small to medium-sized tree can reach up to 25 meters tall and is native to central and northern Mexico and the southwestern United States. It thrives in dry soils at altitudes of 750-2,700 meters and has a distinct bark that resembles alligator skin. The fruit is edible and can be eaten raw or cooked with a sweet taste and mealy texture. With its unusual bark and delicious fruit, the Juniperus deppeana is sure to make a unique addition to any landscape.

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269 NY-34 Locke NY 13092

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