Castanopsis cuspidata, also known as Japanese Chinquapin or Japanese Shii, is a medium-sized evergreen tree that can grow up to 60-80 ft tall. It is related to beech and oak and is native to southern Japan and southern Korea. The leathery leaves are 5-9cm long and 2-4cm broad, and it grows in woods and ravines, especially near the sea. The cotyledon of the nut is a popular food that is boiled or roasted. This tree prefers a good deep medium to stiff loam in a sheltered position in semi-shade and a lime-free soil. Its dead wood is a host to many mushroom types, including the Shiitake. This tree is hardy to zone 7 and can grow in semi-shade in acid and neutral soils. It requires moist soil and is pollinated by winds and midges. If you're looking for an evergreen tree to grow in your garden, consider the Castanopsis cuspidata.