Add some drama to your garden with Allium christophii, also known as Star of Persia. This stunning bulb-forming perennial produces short-lived sword-shaped leaves, followed by flower spikes that bear huge umbels of fuchsia-colored flowers at the top. The flower heads are 8-12 inches in diameter and are sure to be the star of any garden. Not only do the flower heads look great when freshly bloomed, but they also dry well, making for a great addition to dry flower arrangements. Native to Asia, Allium christophii grows best in full sun to part sun and requires ample water and good drainage. Plant bulbs in small groups 3-6 inches deep and 10-12 inches apart in the fall. This plant will self-seed if the flowers heads are left in the garden. Allium christophii is recommended for USDA zones 4-9 and adds a striking ornamental element to any garden space.