Discover the captivating beauty of Nandina domestica, commonly known as Heavenly Bamboo or Sacred Bamboo. Renowned for its striking red berries and vibrant foliage, this small shrub transforms throughout the seasons, bringing visual intrigue to any garden. During spring, a cascade of tiny, white flowers graced with golden anthers burst forth, attracting bees and pollinators. As the year progresses, green berries mature into radiant red clusters, persisting through fall and winter, contrasting beautifully against the lacy foliage that transitions from purple to soft green, and finally, to reddish-purple in autumn. Native to Japan, China, and India, and introduced to North America in the 1800s, this upright evergreen shrub thrives in a variety of soil conditions, enduring full sun to part shade. Standing 4-8 feet tall, it adds a vertical accent to mixed shrub borders, woodlands, and hedges. Despite its beauty, caution is advised as its leaves and berries are toxic to pets, wildlife, and humans due to cyanogenic glycosides. Low maintenance and generally pest-free, Nandina domestica remains a beloved choice for gardeners seeking year-round elegance.