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Zinnia elegans 'Pumila Sprite' (Pumila Sprite Zinnia seed) Sheffield's Seed Co., Inc.

Zinnia elegans

var. Lilliput mix

Elegant Zinnia

In Stock: 1.931 lb (Total:1.931lb)
  • Zinnia elegans Lilliput mix

    All items have bulk rates priced in
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Buying options

1.93 lb


Germination test:
Seeds per lb:
1.93 lb
Collected in:
Crop year:
Item ID:

Growing Info

Scarification: none required
Stratification: none required
Germination: sow seed 1/16" deep, tamp the soil, keep moist

If you're looking to brighten up your garden this summer, look no further than Zinnia elegans var. Lilliput mix Elegant Zinnia. These annual garden flowers have blooms that face outward, making them perfect for arrangements. The mix of red, pink, orange, purple, yellow, and white flowers are a great background to other flowers and can reach up to three feet tall, providing plenty of space to grow shorter flowers in front.

Not only are these flowers perfect for their aesthetic appeal, they also attract bees and butterflies with their brilliant colors. The Zinnia elegans var. Lilliput mix is a low maintenance plant that can withstand heat and dry soils and will flower all summer long if the old flowers are cut off. They are even a great companion plant for vegetables, deterring cucumber beetles and tomato worms.

Not only will these flowers brighten up your garden, but they're also perfect for bringing the beauty indoors for bouquets. Easy to grow from seed, make sure to start them early before the last threat of frost and provide warm temperatures for germination. The bright and cheerful mix of colors livens up any space, making Zinnia elegans var. Lilliput mix Elegant Zinnia a must-have for any garden. Check out http://plants.usda.gov for more information.

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